Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Here

The father of all the matches is here. Yea, India plays Pakistan in the Semi Final of the 10th Cricket World Cup. As an Indian, I'm so excited that i can't even sleep. It feels exactly like the day before picnic in school. I used to be so excited that i would always have the nightmare of missing my school bus. But, thank god, that never happened and hoping this time too, the nightmare won't come true.

Another reason which makes this particular game so important and much awaited for me is that I'll be watching this game with all of my colleagues at work. My firm has decided to arrange an big projector so that all of us can gather and enjoy the game. I haven't seen a match with this many people sitting in the same room. Though i have seen a match at the stadium but this will be completely different. This time I'm neither carrying any banners nor i'll be painting my face.

Well, that's the update for the day or till next time.


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