Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Identity, it is one fascinating word. In this world, where there are thousands of people like you roaming around you, doing the things you do and have almost everything as you but still are way different from you. Identity is that unique attribute of yours which distinguishes you from the rest of the people. It's a way for people to recognize and you to others.

I remember one usual way of getting identified, yea, the obvious Identity Cards. We had them in schools, colleges and now even, in offices. If you'd ask me, about which is the one if like the most then i'd say the office one. It's much cooler than the one we used to hang on our pockets in school and the college one which we didn't even care to flash to the security guards.

This incident is about 5-6 months back when i went to a firm for a interview. They are supposed to be one of the best of my domain and i could sense that right from the time i entered the building. They had this id badge printer which was one of the most impressive things i saw there. They had this stylish new age computer on the reception where they asked me to pose stand still for the picture. They took a picture and then prepared a visitor's ID for me in within 10 seconds. The ID cards prepared were also of HID proximity cards with good picture quality. Though, the interview didn't go well but i did learn a lot from that first interview. Yea, it was my first and people do say that it isn't easy to go all the way through on your first attempt and i second that opinion. Hence, that interview helped me prepare better as i cleared the interviews ahead.

Anyways, for all who are curious about where am i ?? Well, now, i'm at home with my family, with my friends......and a lot of happiness and comfort. And for people who aren't curious......... What are doing here???

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