I have seen men doing things to prove them better than women or women trying to beat men in their own den. I think many of the women and men have succeeded in their attempts, however till now, I haven’t seen a single living example.
But this is about those two exceptions. The two exceptions who proved, at least to me, that it isn’t about being a guy or a gal, it’s about having a big heart filled with helluva courage.
The story is about me traveling from one part of India to another and meeting two girls, (women, if you will) whom I added to my exceptions list. I boarded the train from half way of the train’s total journey with 24 more hours of journey left.
Girl One
She was a south Indian girl from Bangalore and travelling to Delhi to catch another train to meet her husband in Punjab which is more than 2500 km. She was physically disabled (crippled). I didn’t get into the technicalities of it like when and how did it happen and seriously, you wouldn’t have too as she was happy go lucky kind of girl that I wasn’t, even for a second, serious with her. We were all joking and enjoying the

Girl Two
She was from Northern India and coming from Bangalore, again to Delhi and then to Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir. For her, the journey was for more close to 72 hours. I’m not a traveler and don’t enjoy traveling large distances. I’d rather stay home or take a flight. But this girl was different. This may not sound brave or courageous to some/many but I surely seemed to me. She travelled 72 hours more than 3000 kms that too without a confirmed seat which means she didn’t a reserved seat in the train and had to travel sitting/lying anywhere she saw an open space. I thought this was stupid at first as I would have never travelled without a reserved ticket. She told me that she had done this a lot of times earlier too. She, again, was traveling alone. I was amazed to see the confidence and courage to move freely in a man dominated world.
Well, I bow to these girls and they may not read this or know it, but I admire their guts. I wish to match their courage one day. Glad that i'm still connected to them via FB. We exchanged number before we got down at the last station.