Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pouring In Love

Hey all,

It's been sometime since, i told you about my life. Well, today is a special day.Listing the highpoint of today, Wednesday(21-04-2010) :-

1 - I got my blog's first ever Google Page Rank. Now, my blog's Google Page Rank is 3. *Happy*

Page Rank Check

2 - My blog's indirank(given by is now 82(it's is one of those rare times when i scored more than 75-called distinction in India- out of 100)

3 - When i checked Sponsored reviews. com today for opportunity, it showed me more than 100 for whom i was qualified whereas usually it's not more than 5-6.

Also, i received an award from Nalini Hebbar. She is really good poet. Though, i'm not a fan of poetry but she is one of the few i read and yea, credit goes to her.

Thank You, Nalini...........the award coming from you means a lot.

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