Saturday, July 25, 2009

Importance Versus Necessicity

Everybody understands the literal meaning of Importance and Necessicity but its not easy to really understand the real word. I saw a movie named The Three Kings, think its was a 1998-99 movie. People like Mark Walberg, George Clooney and Ice cube were part of this movie. There was instance when Clooney's character talk about things being important or necessary. That was a great talk and know some dailog in a movie can't motivate people and this isn't about motivating people. Its just that this thing just struck and then stuck into my mind and i really wanted to throw it out in the open.

Things being important, what i understood was, things which have great value for us and we really need them but the same way, no a bit different than importance and the difference is that, necessicity is for the moment, at that vary moment. Thing which may not be important or really stupid can be so necessary at times that you'll regret it after its gone. But, we know and only the individual can know that it was necessary.

People make decision, if they succeed they are happy but if they don't they regret their decisions. One thing i want to say here is never give up on your decisions.Possibly, that decision was not something important but it can be a necessicity for that moment. Always back your decision even if it fails. Admit your failures, they will help you more than they hurt you.

Good Luck, have a nice day.... :>
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