Aamir is the perfect debut for a new actor who came to the industry to act and not to flaunt his good looks. As this year is been marked as the year in which maximum new bees will be seen on the silver screen, this movie will certainly help Rajiv Khandelwal to stand out among the others. This movie contains everything a debutant will want. A beautiful script of an even better plot which gives him the whole lot of time to show of his acting talent. The direction is simple and good cause I think its more difficult to keep things simple than making extraordinary things or exaggerating the plot.
There are very few model turn actors whom I liked in movie or you can say who can really act and Rajiv is one of them, at least the first movie suggests that. There aren’t more characters to talk about cause most of the time it was all Rajiv on the screen.
The music of the movie is really good. The song and the lyrics are something which will be there in the mind for long. Slow, soft music very appropriate for the movie and nothing stupid is done like including any item numbers.
Over all one of the best in 2008 in Indian movie industry.
8.5/10 stars