Monday, August 24, 2015

And The Trek Starts

Waiting at the pick up point for more than 40 mins was not helping with the restlessness. But I'm not among the elite group of people who can emote that easily. My restlessness was buried deep down and usually doesn't see the day light. But, in my mind, I was picturing all those great things that I had heard from people who trek. My imagination was flying sky high. And it was not just about the trek but also about the bunch of strangers I would meet on this trip.

While waiting, I found myself surrounded with a bunch of hyperactive people. Hyperactive isn't my genre. So was sitting calm and subtle, observing, judging and imagining the next two days away from my comfort zone.

After about 50 mins of wait, we all boarded the bus and next 7-8 hours went sleep deprived. I do like some or any pleasant noise around and me being me, its felt good to be part of a group where some people can just not sit quite. We reached our base camp by morning 4-4:30 and started our journey to Lushington Falls by 8 AM. Soon, we reached the place which was the starting point of our 16 km trek.

Note: - The trek was through a rain forest in monsoon season and I realized that a bit too late.

We were given a tiny bag of salt at the start of the trip, which I ignored and didn't carry, keeping in mind the pictures of the earlier trek I had seen on Bangalore Mountaineering Club's facebook page. A few 100 meters in to the forest and I realized what grave mistake I have committed by not keeping the salt pocket with me. I caught or vice versa about 18-19 leaches on my legs and had to cry for help every time. While, I found most of them on and around the ankles but a couple of the leaches were too intimate and were found pretty close to my - you know what. I don't regret my decision on wearing a shots to the trek but it would have been a better idea to wear something different.

The trek started from a village just off the road, through fields, followed by dense rain forest and ending at this.

Src: Prashant Nayak || Flickr
After spending hours absorbing peace around the violent water fall, we returned for lunch. Its not easy to even remember what one ate a few days back, but the sumptuous meal offered for the lunch was worth remembering. The simplicity of the food was the best feature. It wasn't overloaded with spices which is somewhat of a rule in southern India.

Src -

Returning base camp by night, we lit some wood and sat around while playing and listening music, This exact moment was were I felt that I have had it all from trip. All of my expectation from the trip were met exceeded. 

I believe, that the first experience of something new matters the most as it sets you up for later experiences. Here's hoping for many such experiences in life.

People behind the pictures: - 


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