There's one question, i have been asked many a times, by different or same people. The last time i remember THE question being thrown at me was about a couple of months back while attending a friends engagement.
Everybody was dancing on the floor and greeting the happy couple. People were taking rounds to dance with and along the couple of the day on groovy Bollywood dance numbers. Then, comes a friend, taking my hand and asking me to dance and show the joy. Me, as always, said no to it. When asked, i told her, "Dancing is not my thing". "Its not dancing, we are showing how good we are feeling on this joyous occasion. Aren't you happy?", she said. "I'm. Very much. But, still, i don't dance", i replied. And then came THE question, "How do you show happiness then?".
The question wasn't easy for me. I held myself and didn't answer the question. Even though, i dodged the question for that instance but it did make me realize that what is it that i do when I'm happy?Well, there are lots of people who dance or sing or shout or does many a things. And i don't do any of these things.
I, when happy, enjoys the moment by just letting the feeling seep, seep really deep into me. I exactly like they show in movies, when the protagonist scores the winning goal/run, which makes his/her team champion, and everything just goes silent, slow and stunned. I also do a few other things. One of them i talking. Yea, but may not only about the happiness. I just like to accompanied when happy, which is totally opposite to when i feel sad and loved being left alone and watch FRIENDS. Yea, FRIENDS is my stress/tension buster but we aren't going down that road today.
Another things i do, and which i used to a lot often earlier and have not being doing for quite sometime now, is writing or blogging which ever you people like to call me better at.
I would really miss that one and half year when i was frequent with blogging and had a big, really big blogging family. I have lost most of them but i think these are the inevitable changes that many great people and legends have talked and wrote about.
I won't disobey the legends but here's to, again, for a full on comeback soon.

I, when happy, enjoys the moment by just letting the feeling seep, seep really deep into me. I exactly like they show in movies, when the protagonist scores the winning goal/run, which makes his/her team champion, and everything just goes silent, slow and stunned. I also do a few other things. One of them i talking. Yea, but may not only about the happiness. I just like to accompanied when happy, which is totally opposite to when i feel sad and loved being left alone and watch FRIENDS. Yea, FRIENDS is my stress/tension buster but we aren't going down that road today.
Another things i do, and which i used to a lot often earlier and have not being doing for quite sometime now, is writing or blogging which ever you people like to call me better at.
I would really miss that one and half year when i was frequent with blogging and had a big, really big blogging family. I have lost most of them but i think these are the inevitable changes that many great people and legends have talked and wrote about.
I won't disobey the legends but here's to, again, for a full on comeback soon.