Friday, June 18, 2010

Reduce Oxidative Stress

Today, i'm writing about OXIS International.

They research, develop and sell products which act against the bad effects of “oxidative stress.” Oxidative Stress is caused by the imbalance between the reactive oxygen species and biological system's ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates. This can disturb one's normal healthy balance or can severely compromise it. One of their product is potent antioxidents which are helpful in the slowing down or preventing the oxidation of the molecules. Oxidation produces free radicals, which initiates chain reaction that damage cells. With their patented synthetic manufacturing process, they are the only significant commercial source of pure l-ergothioneine worldwide. Ergothioneine also works as an antioxident and helps in cutting down the production of free radicals and eventually oxidation.

You can visit for more information about OXIS International and their products. There are other ways to be in touch with them too, you can join  Oxis on Twitter and also find Oxis on facebook, so try to get maximum information about them.


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