Monday, December 14, 2009

Cheap Domain Seller

I have been thing for a long time to buy a domain name and shift from this sub domain. With sub domains there are adverse affects. First and foremost, tha traffic ranking of the sub domain doesn't count or rated that higher. I meant even if you are working very hard to get your blog's alexa rank to not worth it because ultimately you are bringing traffic to your domain and that why sub domains are not profited to the actual extent.

So that's where i found about these cheap domain names which are really cheap. They are giving it out for $7.49*. Now this is the least i have heard around till now and they provide you with the same facilities that other do. So why go expensive. Save that money for publicizing your blog or now its a web page.... :)

Thanks guy and gals for being here........see you people around.

And yea, i also need 100 twitter followers, so please follow me on Twitter

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