Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shaurya – The best of year-08 till now

I really wonder why real good movies like Shaurya doesn’t get that good of exposure in the market. These kind of, may be a low budget, movie never gets that much of public applaud which it deserves. It is never marketed well enough to attract masses to the theater. I can really say that when I watched this movie more than 90% of the people in the theater liked it and would agree on that it was the best of this year till date.

But the producers or whom so ever responsible for the movies publicity has done a poor job this time. The produces have to spend some money on this department too. You can not rely on the mouth to mouth publicity and it takes time too.
Everything in this movie is what I liked. Beautifully directed, well performed characters, nice songs although doesn’t have dozens of them and the metaphor of the movie. Performances by the actors in the movie were just incredible no incredible wouldn’t be the appropriate word for this excellent should be. Kay kay Menon OMG when ever he came on the screen he just dominated it. It seems he was the master of the realm he was standing and portrayed the character tremendously. Although there were out standing performances in the movie by Rahul Bose, Minissha lamba, Javed jaffery and other character artists but Kay kay Menon will live with this character in the history of the industry.

Rahul bose performance as the guy who just wanted to enjoy his life and wants everything to be served ahead of him on the platter was terrific. More than often he looked so convincing the character that the audience really believed him. Minissha lamba as a reporter who want to be some one, make it big and also wants to take the truth out in front of the people looked very eloquent.

This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

9/10 stars

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