Monday, June 23, 2008

40 Days And 40 Nights – Wat Will You Give Up For Her ?

When I heard about the movie, felt a really exciting story with whole lot of entertainment for the audience. The cast of the movie also raised some expectations for me. Josh Hartnett, have seen a couple of his movies (Black Hawk Down and Pearl Harbor) and also have a couple of them lined in for the next week on DVD(Lucky Number Selvin and The Black Dahlia. Although Shannyn Sossamon was new to me haven’t seen any of her movies.

The movie is good, good will be an understatement cause it is very good. I like the whole concept, cause I think the move of taking up a vow to keep himself from “it” for 40 days was much difficult to do than just saying it. Josh Hartnett was very convincing in the character and yes, I also like Shannyn Sossamon in the movie may be cause of her orthodox and unconventional looks in the movie which I think was very sexy.

This movie is a great entertainer, watch it.

6/10 stars


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